Jumat, 03 April 2009

Top Oil Awareness and Moral Education Science epistemology

No nation that rose ketingkat purity
Except when s weak standing in front of a strong without doubt.
(Sayyidina Ali in Nahjl Al-Bhalaqah)

Islam is a religion for the worlds, Muhammad as a message (good news for our people). Islam is not religion pmbodohan, ignorance or darkness, as well as education that is elastic, open for those who want to learn. Islamic education can be defined as education that brought up the teachings of Islam that Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah.
Awareness of Muslims in the largest quantity of other people before the Christians and Muslims is still a tendency repeat the old story between the internal self, that is still glued to the era of golden age (the golden), still terlelap on past glory. Showed that awareness and moral science in the Islamic bangkitakan and where appropriate diperdayakan properly berlandaqskan the values ketahuidan.
This is the foundation teachings of Islam developed as a search marrow Islamic education through philosophical approach to education that go back really fit with the character of Islam. Demands of education background is also not released from the study of sociological, psychological and antropolgis community and students the center and become a trend with a wide variety of potential.
In the education world, not apart of the problem and the problem is so significant. Education still stranded in no way how to move education in the era of globalization and modernization post. The purpose of education is not now fully focused on the purpose of which is in accordance with Islamic orientation. Destination diorientasikan Islamic education in the Hereafter, and only tend devinitive, namely to save the Muslims from the pollution and devastation caused by Western ideas that come various disciplines, especially those threatening akan release standards traditional Islamic morality. The world changes so rapidly and has been dominated by capitalism system, causing dehumanisasi for laying as a commodity and education project to accumulate capital
Change the world so that mencekam from various problems such as criminal homicide, robbery, rape, theft etc, and also governmental elites with the famous slogan KKN plan and draft pornoaksi and pornography in the context of diversity of cultural and religious norms as well as customary in indonesia. As ysng in ungkapkan Prof.Dr.Djohar that moral education is not a moral cognitive moral learnig, the need to offer education transformative efforts membabangun moral education.
How intuition also named the school was responding to disease education, which schools are able to print a human officer, but also criminals. Still pantaskah schools to acknowledge the role tunggalnya achieve in someone? Education also tended to be academic orientation skill and value (value), less often applied, on the other hand namuan moral aspects have also been experiencing a critical paradigm kejumudan and had started missing.
Another problem that also haunt the people of Islam is the problem now is science, precisely be lack of knowledge of Islam. Then the questions that arise such as science or which type of knowledge is required Muslims? How to solve the problem?
Sometimes in the education of the West to be a reference. But in Islam there is a theory of education and Islamic education in the minds of Islam, Prophet Muhammad, just kind of the friend and invite people to believe in God. The Companions of the Prophet Abbasiyah era is the era of dibukanya Baitul Hikmah and translation of the center. Not surprisingly in this era appears enpat priest very mashur field fiqih and the rationalism of thinkers brother al-Safa and madzhab Sufi thought that digebrak by al-Ghazali and the philosophers such as Ibn Rusyd.

Pendiikan Islam
Education or education (English) language is derived from the latin "educare" means memsukkan something or someone to enter science. In Arabic there are several terms that are used in education, that is, among other ta'alim in accordance with God's word in the letter of al-Baqarah verse 31. Also Tarbiyah words such as God's word in the Children of Israel paragraph 24. Besides ta'dib also said, as a hadith of Rasulullah SAW which read:

This means: "God mendidiku, then give it to me as a good education"

International conferences on Islamic education is the first (1997) was also not successfully prepare the agreed definition of education as many types of activities and aspects of the extent by which education is built. According to Ahmad Tafsir educational guidance is given to someone so that he grew the most.
Islam is the basic education that every man is obliged to demand knowledge of hadith of the Prophet which means "the science is compulsory for every Muslim, and from the cradle to muslimat liang lahat." Islamic Education transendental be emphasized that the nature teosentris to the Lord, and not mengeyampingkan concept antroposentris, which is part of the essential concepts teosentris.
Islam should be the goal of education in interprestasikan on the human aspects or elements that it consists of a body, soul and life. Starting from the concept of human-holistic intergal, the Islamic-oriented education in the problems of the world and the Hereafter. This can be in the know from a letter ad-Dzariyah paragraph 56 and the letter of al-Mulk verse 15. While the view of Ahmad Tafsir, Islamic education that makes us human is perfect as a general goal. Perfect view of the human mind is also on the same figure Muhammad Iqbal is effective on the philosophy of truth and meaning of individual functions (asrur i khudi).
Besides the goal, but in general can be kongkritkan through the aspects of education in Islam. In this case the school as the pattern in the development of education sebagimana goal is to be included in the academic, skill and value. But sometimes schools shut on the potential of students and insufficient understanding of the aspects of skill and value (value). However, our education (Indonesia) defined competency-based curriculum, which only refers to the ability and does not stress the brain, not the moral mind is synonymous with or educate menebar threat to the community.
Curriculum-based komptensi akan shake the school system is going akan jealous attitude or commercial capitalism. School akan live orientation requires skill and requires a reasonable business (benefit or risk) to adjust the quality of education decentralization, such as in the Law No. 20 Sisdiknas 2003. System will encourage students to become psychotic, bridled by the freedom of uniforms, books and regulations. While education as Frankin Boobit said that education must try to free dehumanisme's attitude.
Indeed, education is the freedom (of free education), as Muhammad Iqbal said the project using the method or trial and error, that the free expression of the students to do the experiment according to the ability to screen or reveal the secret hidden. As also the views KH Imam Zarkasi, education not only intelektualistis based on pure object, but also thinking and religious antologis.
But in Indonesia, particularly school education is a duty, which is at least 9 years of education. So education is the process of obtaining a degree and academic qualification, education means that you like, do not like to be like, education is ready willing and ready to have the money. True Zarkasi what KH said that she does not tend to side on the orientation of the certificate because it will kill paradigm and human needs as education is a process without end (religious ending process). Education or the school has been established for students mendaptakan feasibility in the community such as work and priorotas material.
Education is also not a place or system of government pemaksaan attitude industrialization, the name will arise dehumanisasi and detotalitas children according to Solomon, as he says:
Education system interpreted strictly in the sense of human resources Pursuing technological eduances, supporting economic growth, industrialization, the ever serving as a government taol wil end up causing the dehumanization of children.

The Death Of Moralizem and Epistemologizm
What about the ethics and value of culture and behavior in education. Because reports of activist organizations and the development of resource development (LPPSP) Semarang Dra. Indra Kertasi, M. Si to reveal the number of children Indonesia 30.44% of the total population and 50% of them had experienced violence action. Violence is done the parents, neighbors and other people and also the list of countries, as many marginalized children (termajinalkan) and the displaced.
So there is need to study attitudes antropolgis, sociological and psychological child. According to the views of thought leaders in educational example only al-Ghazali in the "ihyak ulumuddin" and KH Hasyim Asy'ari in "al-Adab wa al-alim muta'alim" that there are limits and ethics in the search for knowledge and science honor. In addition to also consider psychological needs of the students about the desire to learn. And also need to study about the nature of substance or personal ego that is the view of Muhammad Iqba in education in his work asra-i-khudi.
Idea of a renewal movement dimotori such purifikasi to clean the Wahabi Islam's influence and practices that are considered contrary to the doctrine of Islam, because of religious innovation (bid'ah). Updates modernis see the thought Jamaludin al-Afghani, Muhammad Abdus And that tends to Sayid Ridha dynamic between the Islamic doctrine on berdumber al-Qur'an and al-Hadith, but it also does not override the needs and attitudes rationalism akan guidance of the age. Thinker who most dominant in the sociological aspects of the Ibn Khaldun who works in sociology that is "al Mukhadimah" is how penilainnya must apply in transformasikan on aspects of government, communities and individuals, especially the application of psychological and victory.
Islam Penah experience the triumph and victory in the ranah knowledge on governance Abbasiyah children. However, since the 18 centuries Islam experienced a decline in all areas due to disunity and colonization by Western nations who regard the century is a century Renasaince and revolution in all sectors. History proves that Islam was victorious and will continue to progress, why Islam continues to experience stagnation in the present, because of the mysterious problem that is about science.
Values in Islam is there all time. So Islam has a view of life (way of life) mutlaknya summarize the problems of their own divinity, prophethood, the truth, the universe etc.. Islam has ontologis treatment, and psychological kosmologis withdrawn against the fact. Islam rejected the idea because dekonsekrasi value system merelatifkan all morals. So epistemology Islam does not justify the weight because they reject the science of things that are non-physical, while the Islamic epistemology methapisik regard is essential.
Naquid Muhammad al-Attas to realize that "value" in the West, modern science is a secular challenges that most of the Muslims now, science, culture and civilization in the West should not be applied to Muslims worldwide, for science is not value-free (value free ), but the full value (value Laden). Islamization science it is necessary that the human intellect akan exempt from doubt (shakk), suspected (zann) and empty arguments (mira) the confidence and the truth about spiritual reality, and intelegible material.
Meanwhile, the Islamization knowledge of al-Faruqi in his work "Islamiization of knowledge; priciple general and workplan", as asserted Islamization knowledge necessary to make a return to the science of re-defining, re-arrange the data, the arguments go back and ponder rasionlisasi, rate re-interpretation and conclusions, establish goals and do so to allow the discipline to commit Islamic struggle.
So Islamization of knowledge is the way the back and thought about Islam and science do not westernisasi and plagiarism in the West tend to be secular.

The speculation led Islamic Education
At the beginning of what has been clearly expressed by Sayyidina Ali is able to drive the Muslims. Because the view that education facilities merupakann search marrow penyadaran science and the existence of humanity. With the same education as a condition of moral redemption that carry that Islam is the anarchic, cruel, anti-human rights, women menyudutkan even terrorist, so grievous that it would look kick lunge west islam now.
Education is the process of vertical and horizontal relationship with the gods and man and nature. So berororientasi education in the world to memakmurkan universe and eternity to reach the eternal happiness. We need to think and re-integration of the new epistemology pendidkan such thoughts with al-Ghazali on education, that education must menenekankan on aspects of heart teosentris. But education also must emphasize the physical aspects of the heart and because it is a substance that teletak on the human side antroposentris danteosentris.
Objectives can be directed to the substance of which consists of human and physical ruhani or physical and non physical. Also need people to interact directly on the self and society in general. But education can be directed to the Islamic establishment needs to develop the potential of life (liffe skill), not kill (les skill) the potential or ability. Also the moral character education, the school is expected to make the human seutuhnya do not dehumanisme who understand the back-off capitalism. Moral aspect of emphasis because if the students thought is optimized for the development of academic emphasis, or the brain only. But the foundation must be moral, for if utamakan emphasize life skills atauun mind free menebar with the same threat on himself and society.
Also need to control technology applied in education other than science, because technology makes the role of active and rapid process of learning as a medium. Islamic education must attempt to make or create the next generation of excellence in science and technology. Which all need to go back to the teachings of al-Qur'an and as-Sunnah and the need to examine and implement the Islamic civilization to the critical awareness (critical consciousness).
Ibn Khaldun divide science into two, namely aqal knowledge (intellect) naqal knowledge (revelation), while al-Ghazali to share knowledge and human laduni. Knowledge is knowledge that deals with objects yaag can be known. While the source of knowledge that comes from God, the source is essential and the highest (ultimate source) of knowledge.
So Islam can be epistimilogi with epistemilogi West inderawi ability to understand the reason and intuition are very ajaan shove back from Islam, then understand the difference between going on epistimologi itself. But science timbulah Islamization, because the confidence that God is the source of all knowledge. Islamization science goal is to protect the people of Islam and science that are misleading and that tercemar cause confusion.
Islamization of the criticism came from the contemporary Muslim mind such as Fazlur Rahman of knowledge according to him can not diIslamkan because there is no one in science depends on the pemaknaannya. This shows that FazlurRahman memaknai as teknolgi knowledge (know-how), rather than as a process epistimologi.
But here in the Islamic education in general can provide the teaching of the need for general knowledge and not to mendikotomikan Islam between religion and the public. Education is not likely to reverse, but education is the process of search rather distinguish between the duality of the modern with the traditional.

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