Minggu, 05 April 2009

Values Education For Children Ecology

Indonesia's education system more built-up edict policy regime ideology, not born of awareness and education experts. So education is now experiencing a very serious disease and need of a systematic, because education as a process and not only at the pleasure enjoyed by the ruler and a certain social layer.
Personal values to their students are in need as an effort to build awareness for the environment and who himself lives. The value of education is education that emphasizes the aspects of teaching and guidance to students in order to realize the value of truth, goodness, and beauty. For the educational value is in the need for progress in education, because education is now only a moral focus on the cognitive learning is not moral.
So in the spirit of education need to restore the learning process as the embed values, including the value of the environment to the students. Environmental education as a way to provide introduction and awareness of the environment. Aspects of ethics, morality is not merely given only to interact among each other, but also of value to the environment of his life.
Environmental Values Education
Environmental pollution problem gets much attention, because it overrides the world of today and generations to come. If it be, the main factor of a destruction of the environment as a result of large-scale products, modern technology. Human activities in the field of industrial burning of forest products have been produced bursts of billions of tons of particles, gas and carbon dioxide klorofluorokarbon. This carbon emissions arising from burning fossil fuels that can not be diperbaruhi, such as coal, gas, and petroleum. Damage to forests in Indonesia, particularly as the lungs of the world have a big enough contribution to climate change as a trigger and as a result of global warming menipisnya the ozone layer.
Environmental conditions with dirusaknya the forest, burning, illegal logging, land petanian in a magical area of industry and housing. Has brought negative impacts such as drought. Indonesia is one of the country who are feeling the impact of weather damage to the system. Weather system damage has been caused climate anomaly as the temperature increases 1-1,5 degrees centigrade in Africa, so that the dry air that blow from Australia moving to African forests. This phenomenon is causing drought in the area ekuator, including in Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Sumatra, and in part.
Climate change will make developing countries such as Indonesia to achieve the goals of sustainable development and millennium development goals millennium development goals or / MDG's. Climate change will threaten the availability of natural resources, adding that faced severe problems, creating new problems, and search efforts to bring the solution difficult and expensive.
It is clearly known that damage to nature and the environment in which dasyat not sebabkan by penuaan nature itself but is caused by the hands, which is always within the stall, which indeed often exploit without regard to environmental damage. Crisis environment and humanity must be a central concern for the government, community, education experts, and every religious community both NGOs and religious organizations.
Phenomenon is that the need to prove the existence of a new reconstruction in the education sector to face global challenges of the age. In the postmodern era, all the system's various needs of ideology on the construction of a new direction in epistemology kususnya in the field of education. Education format suitable conditions above, one needs to menyajkan implement educational strategies with ecological value based religion as a source of life of the students to be able to recognize the true meaning of life.
Because education is a ladder early sesorang know himself, to know with whom he himself will understand the purpose of his life, because education is an effort to integrate the function in the world. Value of environmental education is a learning process that can produce changes in behavior and attitudes to the environment of respect mikrokosmos until makrokosmos. But this is not the only form of delivery of the message subjects, but inculcate attitudes and values that students are learning to identify himself and who where they live. Harapakan in the educational value of the environment students are able memperaktekan, conserve and utilize the environment as needed. Students are able to know the role and responsibility that is three-dimensional relationship between God, nature and people. Third is the first relationship, the relationship teosentris or relationship with the Lord, which means that each human being who is created to worship and domineer himself. Second, the relationship antroposentris the relationship with the man who has any sense of human life is the role and position of other people through social interaction, communication and socialization. Third, the relationship ekosentris relationship with the environment, which means that humans have a role and function to maintain the natural environment and caring for his life.

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